Sunday 25 November 2018

Life is Beautiful

Life is very beautiful. Every single person in life suffer from hardships, failures, and many other unwanted things happen suddenly in life. But it doesn't mean that life is not beautiful. Yes, we can say that some conditions are applied for a beautiful life. For Example, Present Time of a person always decide future time or I can say that Hardworking of today will build a brighter tomorrow.
If your physical appearance is ugly, but you are good by heart than you are beautiful. Because real beauty lies in the heart of a person. If someone's physical appearance is so good but very bad by heart than that person is the ugliest person in the entire world. Beauty of life is much deeper, even about this beauty we can't think that how deep it is, Only Our Creator knows about it.

Beauty can be found in everything. But only some people have this super power to see the beauty in the things of nature.
Even every moment of every day we get an opportunity to connect to the beauty of our lives. See the world with a positive sight.
Failure in one thing is not the end of life, Life is that adorable thing which offers thousand of opportunities. Failure in one opportunity doesn't mean that life is over or nothing is left after it because game of life is that it will offer you a new opportunity which is thousand times better than the last one in which you failed.

At any moment, if you think that nothing is left to live and just think about that time, when you were in the womb of your mother for a long time, during which she felt pain but still not give up because of you. Only because she want to welcome her child in the world not because that foolish child now thinks that nothing is left to live. A mother wants to see her child at the heights of success.
Through the sea of darkness, hope is the light that brings us comfort, faith, and reassurance. It guides our way if we are lost and gives us a foothold on our fears. If we have no hope, the direction through life's path is darkened and we ourselves become an obscurity. Our struggles will present challenges that can only be overcome by hope but we must never give up. The moment we lose hope is the moment we surrender our will to live.

Enjoy every moment of this beautiful life without any fair of anything. Be Confident as well as Selfish but in limit. Over Confident and extreme selfish quality can destroy everything, even relations. Being Selfish simply means to enjoy beautiful life and beautiful things first for yourself then bring that beauty toward other persons.
Life is the name of emotions, happiness, pain, success and prayer. So Respect to someone's emotions, happiness. Appearance doesn't matter but Character matters does. Character is the only thing which can lead you to live happy life without any tension. Try your best to be a person of high character. 

We live in a world where different types of fake beauties are present, but the real beauty is one and only in the heart. 
Enjoy the Moment, Again I Repeat, Life is very beautiful but some conditions are applied to live a beautiful life. Enjoy each and every moment fullest instead of destroying it. There is no any need to be depressed about anything, just pick a new opportunity and say Yes I Can Do It instead of thinking that nothing is left.
Make a spirit to do something, when you don't have anything to do. Work for your life to make it beautiful as much as possible.

This is the game of Life where there is no any other player except you and life. There is no any option in this game to get out of it.
Try your fullest to become the professional player of this game and try to win this game until your last breath.

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